
It's been quite a while since I wrote a post, so I figured I'd catch you up. I've been dealing with health issues, money issues, insurance issues, and life. It's all really just life. I started attending ACoA back in July 2021, I guess. The meeting folded, then was started back up. Meanwhile, I found... Continue Reading →

Recovering from Procedure and Ketosis

I had a colonoscopy on Thursday. The prep was bad enough, and I kept getting cold. The actual procedure seemed to go well. I still don't have pathology results, but that should be late next week. However, the recovery from the procedure has been harder than I remember from previous experiences. I wish they had... Continue Reading →

MIA & Updates

I know I've been missing in action. I HATE using a blockbuilder, and WordPress updated everyone to that. AND it's mandatory. It sucks. Updates: I've given up on gardening. My knees and hips are complaining too much. I also hate the muggy heat we've been having around here. I can't breathe in it. The rain... Continue Reading →


Good Bread! I used up the last of my sourdough boles a couple days ago. I was ready for more bread, but honestly, it's hard for me to chew sourdough all the time. So, I decided to make a modified yeast bread recipe. I made 2 loaves, using a 60% hydration recipe. I did an... Continue Reading →

Cooking in Isolation

I've been cooking a lot since I'm in isolation. Here are some of my creations: Spicy pork and beans, a Chicken stock made with vegetables (no salt), Chocolate cupcakes (from a mix), and Sourdough bread. (The photos randomize, so watch them). It took the simple bread and water starter about 10 days before it got... Continue Reading →

More on Control Theories

Or Conspiracy Theories, if you like... I was referred to The Guardian, a UK newspaper and blog. The pages I was referred to included 22 healthcare experts and scientists in many disciplines, all decrying the current over-zealous response to SARS-CoV-19, which is the exact designation given to the Coronavirus or COVID-19. To make this easier,... Continue Reading →


I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been feeling life, instead. A lot has been going on. I'm not "just" the phoenix rising from the ashes, I'm also the caterpillar changing into a butterfly. It's been intense! It started when I was born and didn't want to be here. I've never wanted to be... Continue Reading →

Our Red Shoes

A Little Astrology/Astronomy Everything I'm hearing and reading tells me that the Pluto (The Destroyer, Forced Growth) - Saturn (Time, Structures) - Sun (Our Ego, Self) - Mercury (The Mind, Communication, Mental Faculties) conjunction (together in the sky) is a biggie in Capricorn (Structures, Foundations). The Pluto-Saturn conjunction only happens every 35 years, and it's... Continue Reading →

What If?

What if - The universe is one big fractal? Cells are fractals. Proteins are fractals. Plants are fractals. Galaxies are fractals. Brains (human) are fractals. What if we are living in a big fractal and trying to fit our straight lines and circles into it? Doesn't that mean we are trying to fit a circle... Continue Reading →

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